Different string methods in JavaScript
JavaScript provides a wide range of string methods that allow you to manipulate and work with strings in various ways. Here are some of the most commonly used string methods in JavaScript:
1. charAt(index): Returns the character at the specified index.
Example: "hello".charAt(0) === "h"
2. charCodeAt(index): Returns the Unicode code point of the character at the specified index.
Example: "hello".charCodeAt(0) === 104
3. concat(string2, ..., stringN): Concatenates two or more strings.
Example: "hello".concat(" ", "world") === "hello world"
4. endsWith(searchString, [length]): Returns a boolean indicating whether the string ends with the specified searchString.
Example: "hello world".endsWith("world") === true
5. includes(searchString, [position]): Returns a boolean indicating whether the string includes the specified searchString.
Example: "hello world".includes("world") === true
6. indexOf(searchString, [position]): Returns the index of the first occurrence of the specified searchString, or -1 if not found.
Example: "hello world".indexOf("world") === 6
7. lastIndexOf(searchString, [position]): Returns the index of the last occurrence of the specified searchString, or -1 if not found.
Example: "hello world".lastIndexOf("world") === 6
8. localeCompare(compareString): Compares two strings according to the locale-specific sorting rules.
Example: "hello".localeCompare("hello") === 0
9. match(regexp): Returns an array of matches for the specified regular expression.
Example: "hello world".match(/hello/) === ["hello"]
10. normalize([form]): Returns the Unicode normalization form of the string.
Example: "hello".normalize() === "hello"
11. padEnd(targetLength, [padString]): Pads the string with the specified padString until it reaches the targetLength.
Example: "hello".padEnd(10, "-") === "hello-----"
12. padStart(targetLength, [padString]): Pads the string with the specified padString until it reaches the targetLength.
Example: "hello".padStart(10, "-") === "-----hello"
13. repeat(count): Returns a new string with the specified count of repetitions.
Example: "hello".repeat(3) === "hellohellohello"
14. replace(searchValue, replaceValue): Replaces some or all matches of the searchValue with the replaceValue.
Example: "hello world".replace("world", "universe") === "hello universe"
15. search(regexp): Returns the index of the first match of the specified regular expression, or -1 if not found.
Example: "hello world".search(/world/) === 6
16. slice(start, [end]): Returns a new string containing a portion of the original string.
Example: "hello world".slice(0, 5) === "hello"
17. split(separator, [limit]): Splits the string into an array of substrings using the specified separator.
Example: "hello world".split(" ") === ["hello", "world"]
18. startsWith(searchString, [position]): Returns a boolean indicating whether the string starts with the specified searchString.
Example: "hello world".startsWith("hello") === true
19. substr(start, [length]): Returns a new string containing a portion of the original string.
Example: "hello world".substr(0, 5) === "hello"
20. substring(start, [end]): Returns a new string containing a portion of the original string.
Example: "hello world".substring(0, 5) === "hello"
21. toLocaleLowerCase(): Returns the string converted to lowercase according to the locale-specific rules.
Example: "HELLO".toLocaleLowerCase() === "hello"
22. toLocaleUpperCase(): Returns the string converted to uppercase according to the locale-specific rules.
Example: "hello".toLocaleUpperCase() === "HELLO"
23. toLowerCase(): Returns the string converted to lowercase.
Example: "HELLO".toLowerCase() === "hello"
24. toUpperCase(): Returns the string converted to uppercase.
Example: "hello".toUpperCase() === "HELLO"
25. trim(): Returns the string with whitespace removed from the beginning and end.
Example: " hello ".trim() === "hello"
26. trimEnd(): Returns the string with whitespace removed from the end.
Example: " hello ".trimEnd() === " hello"
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